Saturday, July 30, 2011

What can I say, I'm a cheesy gal.

It's just after 2pm. I'm taking a quick break from house chores. I'm reflecting. Random thoughts of happiness. I enjoy days like today more than I realized.

I slept in. That doesn't happen frequently.
I walked around my 'hood and picked up a sammich at the Purple Bean Coffee place. Ate half of it while reading in the living room. Ben was reading The Chron and listening to KUT in the dining room. So I had a nice background music streaming in.

I finally got to a stopping point and began the house cleaning. I'll continue in a minute.

I love that today I have:
Done laundry
Walked around the neighborhood with Cash Cat
Visited a local trailer eatery
Talked to a good friend
Listened to good music
Watered and moved our dying plants/flowers around
Made Tobie Cat mad by picking him up and turning him upside down (he bunny kicked me)
Texted with mi hermano
I called my momma - no answer

Just rambling. It's a blog about nothing.

Back to work

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Giddy up!

On the way home from Bo's birthday brunch today, we saw a guy on a horse trotting down 11th St. I made Angela slow down so I could wave at the rider and ask if I could pet his horse. He offered to let me ride. I flew out of the car, put a foot in the stirrup, and threw my other leg over the saddle as if I were a pro. It's been years since I've ridden a horse. It was a little scary, but mostly exciting. The horse is a five year old quarterhorse named Sandman and his owner is Elvis, a nice gentleman from Manor who owns four other horses.

It was a pleasant treat.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Starting Day 14

I forgot to mention I haven't had a drink in 13 solid days. Some days, it's hard. But still I rise.

Friday night cat fights

I skipped out on Juan's end-of-semester sushi happy hour at Imperia last night. He was annoyed at me for it. Initially, I had every intention of attending. I even slapped on some eyeshadow and lip gloss, threw on a cute dress and cowboy boots, then changed my mind and stayed in.

I was tempted to join Shannon and Amy S. at Bar 96. I just know Juan would have been upset if I went anywhere but his function. I'll get to hang with those awesome ladies on Sunday anyway. Sunday fun day!!

Anyway, Ang needed an ear. She and Brandon, her beau of 10 months, just recently took the train to Splitsville. And you know what they say - breaking up hard to do. (Most of the time. Not if you're Sandra and Chris, of course. Sandra and Martin though...well, then yes. Breaking up is hard to do.) So I sat on the patio with Ang and we pondered life and love and lust and Facebook. Fucking Facebook always rearing its stupid face around every kind of situation.
(Part of my reason for starting this blog is to slowly ween myself from FB. It's a waste of time and just a stage for us to try and show off in front of everyone else. And in the end...none of it even matters.)
Cash, the cat, hung out with us for a while. Then he climbed the back fence and started a fight with a cat who had a very loud and shrilling cry. I threw some pebbles over the fence to scare it off. It worked seeing as shrill cry cat ran off. But Cash followed him/her. He eventually came back and hung out with the human females until we got tired of donating blood to skeeters and possibly contracting West Nile virus. We all went inside.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Five days of no booze! Yay, me!

Yesterday was Cinco de Mayo. I went out with a variety of friends - all of who were partaking in the festivities by drinking. A few were even trying to coerce me into drinking. But as tempting as it was, I didn't give in to the pressure. I'm really excited about this!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

5 de Mayo = 5 dias with no drinking

Technically, it's four days without drinking since today is not over yet. But it being Cinco de Mayo and there being an abundance of fiestas to attend and places to will be a true test.

I know I can do it. I'm not doing it for anyone other than myself.

I'm only quitting the sauce for the month. But, who knows, I may decide to stick to it indefinitely.

I'll keep you posted.